Hire an Amateur or Pro?

Hire an Amateur or Pro?

Are you looking for a DJ for your wedding? Do you think DJ packages are too expensive? The saying is true, quality over quantity, here are some reasons why you shouldn’t hire an amateur and hire us! 1. You can take the chance of hiring a cheap DJ, but do you really want to? Chances are they will no longer be in business when your big day roles around. 2. Amateur DJ’s are doing it for fun and you’re financing their hobby. We risk our entire reputation on every performance, with an amateur when something goes wrong it’s no big deal to them. Don’t you want your entertainment to be 100% invested in their business? 3. Your wedding DJ is responsible for coordinating the timeline of your reception, introductions, playing all if your songs at the right moment and the entire flow of your reception. If you hire a DJ who isn’t experienced are you willing to place the outcome of your wedding in their hands. 4. Are you willing to sacrifice the fun at your wedding for a discount DJ? All of our DJ’s know how to read your crowd and keep the fun going. They know the right times to play a slow song and keep people dancing, they know how to mix from one song to another. With us you will never get dead air, can your discount DJ say that that wont happen? 5. Our specialists will make sure all of your special events happen throughout your night, will your inexperienced DJ do that same? We direct your bridal party while you hangout and relax, we make sure they are all in line for introductions and that the right songs are played. Just because you have the right equipment doesn’t mean you know exactly what you’re doing. 6. Does your discount DJ have backup and a plan B? No one ever expects anything to go wrong, but what if a speaker blows or a laptop crashes? Chances are they will not have any backup and are you willing to take that chance of not having music at your reception? 7. DJs who charge less invest less into their equipment. Professional speakers and equipment are necessary for clear sound. If you want your guests to hear all your speeches and toasts you’ll need professional equipment to make sure that happens. Your wedding only happens once, make sure you hire a DJ who is going to get it all right for you! Give us a call or send us an email and book us today!

Originally posted 2013-05-18 00:00:00.

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